DataExcavator update from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10


DataExcavator update from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10

In this update, we added the CAPTCHA processing capability. We have tested several CAPTCHA recognition services that do it in automatic mode. Unfortunately, the quality of such services did not satisfy us. As our testing showed, with automatic recognition, out of 10 CAPTCHA successfully resolved only 2-3. We decided to do the simplest way – and put the event of CAPTCHA processing in the interface. Now, when such a task appears, our application will show you information with the need to process CAPTCHA manually, and after that will continue to work.

The second important change is that we switched from the core of CEF.OffScreen to CEF.Wpf. Now instead of a windowless browser model, we use a virtually complete web browser. In the test window this is well noticeable – now instead of a screenshot of a scanned page you can see a full navigation window. In our opinion, this will simplify and improve the interaction with the application.

DataExcavator update from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10

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